145.37 and 146.85 are back on the Air!

Over the last few weeks, we have been doing some major upgrades to some of our repeaters! The 145.37- (pl 123.0) and the 146.85- (pl 123.0) have both had some major upgrades done to them and they are both back on the air.

The 145.37 is in the Greenhills area and the 146.85 is in the Anderson Township area, but it appears that they both have great coverage across the county.

We would love for you to try them out. Let us know if you can hit them and how they sound. When you let us know, please tell us what machine you are using, where you are, your power settings and how things sounded. We would love to know how well you did on low, medium and high power. Let us know how low you can go and still get into the repeaters.

You can contact us via the form on the Contact Us Page, Send us an email to info@hamcoarpsc.org or jump into our Discord Server and post in the #repeater-reports channel and let us know what information we need!

Thanks in advance for your help!