ARPSC Ragchew Net

Every Thursday Night 9:00 PM Local
145.37- (PL 123.0) K8YOJ Repeater

Net Manager: Jeff Lehman, N8ACL

Click Here for the Net Preamble

A Net Control Log Sheet can be downloaded in Excel or PDF Format.

The ARPSC Ragchew Net is a weekly net held every Thursday Night, with a few exceptions, at 9:00 PM on the 145.37- (PL 123.0) K8YOJ Repeater. This informal net is an opportunity for local hams to get/share announcements about things going on in the area. This is also an opportunity to bring our members and nonmembers together in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. This is a friendly net allowing us to share informal updates, have fun, make new friends, and of course – talk. We encourage new and old amateurs alike to join us. The more the merrier.

Net Control Signup

We are always looking for Net Controls for the Ragchew Net. If you would like to sign up for the net, please send an email to with the date you would like volunteer for and your contact information. The Net Manager will be notified. Thanks for helping us out!

Topic Ideas

Our Net Manager is always looking for ideas for a topic for the net. If there is a particular topic you would like the net to cover, let us know! Please use the form below to submit your idea and our Net Manager may contact you for more information!

    Past Topics

    06/09/2022: Did you make it to Hamvention and did anything catch your eye while there?