From an Email from Steve, N8TFD: As a new feature this year, if you are interested in Friday or Saturday in addition to, or instead of, Sunday, you can opt for that directly in the form. For privacy reasons, if you’d prefer to use an “alternate” birthdate that is ok…that question is about satisfying theContinue reading
Category: Flying Pig
2019 Ham Radio Year in Preview
From and email sent by Steve, N8TFD. Parts of this original email have been edited. This is a good primer for all the events that will be taking place this year. If you would like to volunteer for any of these events that need Volunteers, please contact Steve and let him know. He will beContinue reading
Flying Pig 2019 Volunteer Information
From Steve, N8TFD: Yes, we’re still a key part of the plan. No, the Flying Pig online volunteer registration isn’t working. Please continue to “block out” this weekend on your calendar, and sign up promptly once it is made available. (if this does not happen in about two weeks, I will collect names and preferencesContinue reading