We’ve Prayed, Hoped and believe it or not, The Pray Hope Believe 5K is back again this year. After being gone for almost 2 years because of Covid, it’s back and better then ever. This means that we are looking for some operators to help us out this year. Currently we are looking for 4Continue reading
Category: Public Service Events
2019 Ham Radio Year in Preview
From and email sent by Steve, N8TFD. Parts of this original email have been edited. This is a good primer for all the events that will be taking place this year. If you would like to volunteer for any of these events that need Volunteers, please contact Steve and let him know. He will beContinue reading
Queen Bee Marathon Looking For Volunteers
The 5th annual Queen Bee Half Marathon and 4-miler, produced by the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon, will be run on Saturday, October 13. Earliest volunteer jobs will start around 7am and everyone should be done at or before 12pm. Check out the route here: http://queenbeehalf.com/the-qb/half-marathon/ It is somewhat like the Pig without much of downtown,Continue reading
2018 USAF Marathon Still Looking for Operators
The USAF Marathon wants you! — to sign up as amateur radio support! Volunteer registration ends on 31 Aug (less than a month away) and we still need 30 more volunteers to fill all the spots! Please go to http://www.usafmarathon.com/volunteer/ to register for supporting this event. hit the Volunteer Now button, a new web pageContinue reading
Little Miami Triathlon – June 3, 2018
Since this is close to our area and one we have helped out on in the past, the Little Miami Triathlon is looking for more operators. More information: It’s still a bit over a month away, but this is a big event and we can use as much ham help as can be had. WeContinue reading
Flying Pig Still Looking for Ops
The Flying Pig Marathon is 12 days out, and we are TEN operators short. (There were about 55 jobs outside of net control last year, we have about 45 covered this year.) ***Please spread the word to your friends and clubs and ARES groups. We need to handle this event with the same effectiveness andContinue reading