If you know of someone who is interested in getting their Tech License, there is an online class being offered. Here are the details:
Cuyahoga Falls ARC Free Online Technician Licensing Class
The Cuyahoga Falls ARC will hold a free Online Technician Licensing Class. Prospective hams from around the state or even outside of Ohio are invited to participate. The class will be held using Google Classroom and Meet and will be all online. We will be using the HamRadioSchool.com textbook. The students will need to buy their own copies of the book but there are no other fees. The class will meet on Sunday afternoons, beginning on October 4th, and continuing through Nov 8th. This will be the first of two online courses with a General Class Licensing course beginning in January, 2021.
Students must register at https://cfarc-edu.org/course. We especially encourage younger candidates that often have trouble traveling to in-person classes. For more information, you can view this short slideshow.
If you have questions, please contact Jim Grover- grizgrover@gmail.com or Anthony Luscre- k8zt@arrl.net