Monthly Meeting – 08/07/2020

Remember that the Monthly Meeting is this coming Friday at 7:30 PM!

This meeting will be our first in person meeting in a few months. We will be meeting in the parking lot behind the North Central Branch Library. The Library is on the other side of the Hamilton County Educational Service Center building from the Communications Center on Civic Center Drive. The address for the library is:

North Central Public Library
11109 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45231

Some one will be on 145.370- (PL 123.0) for talk in if you need help finding us.

Please remember to maintain “Social Distancing” while we are all there. If you want to bring a mask, please feel free. Of course, if you choose not to attend, that is perfectly understandable. We will have a virtual room open for members who choose not to come to be able to join into the meeting.

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