Remember that the last Monthly Business Meeting is this coming Friday at 7:30 PM!
This month again, we will be having the meeting totally virtual.
We are also opening the meeting to anyone who would like to join in. We don’t have a program scheduled, and will be mostly talking business, but you are more then welcome to attend.
We use the Jitsi Platform to host our virtual meetings. These can be connected to via a web browser, an client for Mac, Windows or Linux, or an app on your phone or tablet. You can also dial into the audio portion of the conference from a regular telephone or Cell Phone
To connect to the virtual room using your computer or phone/tablet app, use this link: . This will use your microphone and Camera on your device.
To dial into the meeting using your phone, please dial the following: 512.647.1431 PIN: 2621 3618 99#
Regardless of how you connect, please keep your microphone muted unless you need to speak. This will cut down on the interference.
See you on Friday at 7:30 PM!
Our December meeting will be our Annual Family Christmas Dinner! More information about it can be found on the Christmas Dinner page.
See you all next year!