Practice makes perfect in pretty much anything you do. To practice our skills and share new ones, we sponsor 2 nets for both our club and the general Amateur Radio community at large.
We sponsor:
- The Tristate Amateur Traffic Net (TATN) – This net is the local National Traffic System (NTS) affiliate net for passing messages across Amateur Radio. The net meets every day at 8:00 PM local on the 146.67 (PL123.0) repeater. More information is available on their website.
- The ARPSC Ragchew Net – This net is a weekly net covering announcements and a topic of some sort. This net is a chance to let down your hair and have a fun conversation with other Amateurs in the area. Everyone is welcome. The net meets weekly at 9:00 PM on Thursday’s on the 145.37- (PL 123.0) K8YPOJ repeater. More information can be found on the Ragchew Net page.