OHKYIN HamFest – September 22, 2018

Once again the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society would like to invite you to our 5th annual Hamfest! Come on by for the fun, fellowship, flea market and radio related activities and prizes.  Be prepared to swap and shop until you drop! This may be your very last chance to pick up that very special and very rare whatchamacallit that you haven’t seen at any other hamfest for years and years. So don’t miss the opportunity because you never know who will bring what! Speaking of what, you might like to know about the where and the when of our fine hamfest which is held in an air conditioned, indoor, rain or shine venue:

When: Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Where: Aiken High School: 5641 Belmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45224
What: Door prizes every half-hour and Grand Prize at noon. The grand prize drawing this year is a Yaesu FT-891 160-6M Transceiver. Food service provided by Aiken athletic boosters.

Featured activities include: ARRL forum, Newcomers & Elmers Net “Meet & Greet”, & DXCC QSL checking with Bob Frey, WA6EZV.

This is a great opportunity to get out of the shack and have some eyeball QSOs!
And all for the low-low admission price of just five dollars $! It’s a steal of a deal.
Indoor or outdoor flea market spaces are also still available at the bargain price of just five dollars $!

Talk in frequency is 146.67-  (123.0Hz)

For more information please email Justin Moore KE8COY: justinpatrickdreamer@gmail.com or Gary Coffey KB8MYC: KB8MYC@fuse.net

Check out the OHKYIN website for more information as well at http://ohkyin.org/wp/hamfest

5641 Belmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio