Queen Bee Marathon Looking For Volunteers

The 5th annual Queen Bee Half Marathon and 4-miler, produced by the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon, will be run on Saturday, October 13. Earliest volunteer jobs will start around 7am and everyone should be done at or before 12pm.

Check out the route here: http://queenbeehalf.com/the-qb/half-marathon/

It is somewhat like the Pig without much of downtown, NKY, Hyde Park, and with the addition of Mount Lookout.
Starting gun is 730am with a 4-miler starting at 8am. Route will be closed at 18:00 pace so the event will necessarily be over before noon.

Here is what we’re being asked to provide:
11 water stops
someone with Iris
someone with John
someone with Shawn
someone with Jeannette
lead parade
sweep bus
4 courtesy vans (we expect to dispatch them from net control too)

I’d like to see 3-4 ops at net control (EMA facility on Radcliffe Dr. — please let me know if you are committed to this detail even if you’ve spoken to Bryan already.) So the total is 24-25. Tri-Health should provide medical radios and we’re working on the “interconnect” piece of that.

Here are the registration instructions for the ham radio team (note the standard “ham” password has changed):
1. Click here: http://volunteer.getmeregistered.com/events/open_opportunities.php?id=396
2. Find and select: Queen City Emergency Net
3. Enter required information
4. Enter the following password when asked near the end of the form: qcqb
5. Click “get me registered” to submit the information

Questions, please contact Steve Lewis, N8TFD at N8TFD@fuse.net